
Top 25 Dividend Yielding Stocks in Canada

Finding yield in a low-interest world can be a tough task. It's no longer the 1980's where saving your money at the bank was actually a wise thing. Today, savers will be lucky to earn 1.5% (the current yield on a one-year GIC). Take into consideration that last year's Canadian inflation rate was just under 3 per cent, savers will actually lose nearly 1.5 per cent on purchasing power. As a result, many investors have turned to the equities market over the last ten years. Since the low of 2002, the market has doubled in Canada, and dividends have grown by just as much.

If you've made contributions to your RRSP's this year, but haven't made a purchase yet, consider buying large reputable stocks with a long history of dividends. If your investment strategy consists of living off investment income and not capital gains or wealth, you could consider buying one of the 25 stocks below, whose dividend yields are north of 5 per cent and are valued at more than $1 billion in market capitalization. 

(Symbol) Company Name Yield  Price  P/E

(ERF) Enerplus 9.29 $23.24 38.1

(PGF) Pengrowth Energy  8.52 $9.86 39.4

(ATP) Atlantic Power 8.30 $13.86 0.0

(FRU) Freehold Royalties 8.19 $20.52 23.9

(NAE) NAL Energy 7.75 $7.74 51.6

(AGF.B) AGF Management 7.09 $15.24 12.8

(DH) Davis + Henderson 7.09 $18.29 11.7

(CLC) CML Healthcare 7.05 $10.66 533.5

(BNP) Bonavista Energy 7.03 $19.92 19.3

(BA) Bell Aliant 6.87 $27.64 19.5

(AX.UN) Artist Real Estate 6.78 $16.50 5.5

(SLF) Sun Life Financial 6.26 $23.00 0.0

(CRR.UN) Crombie Real Estate 6.20 $14.35 32.6

(NPI) Northland Power 6.17 $17.50 0.0

(CPG) Crescent Point Energy 6.08 $45.43 54.7

(TA) Transalta 6.02 $19.27 14.7

(CUF.UN) Cominar Real Estate 5.99 $24.03 8.8

(D.UN) Dundee Real Estate 5.91 $37.17 53.1

(CSH.UN) Chartwell Seniors Housing 5.89 $9.17 0.0

(BNE) Bonterra Energy 5.84 $53.38 20.9

(PBN) Petrobakken Energy 5.78 $27.85 12.1

(COS) Canadian Oil Sands 5.57 $21.54 9.1

(CWT.UN) Calloway Real Estate 5.56 $27.85 253.5

(PPL) Pembina Pipeline 5.53 $28.21 28.5

(PMZ.UN) Primaris Retail Real Estate 5.43 $22.45 22.8

All table information is based on the near closing prices on Thursday March 15, 2012. The information discounts previous and future dividend history, focusing only on current yields, prices, and company value and does not constitute a direction to purchase the stock. Please speak to an investment advisor before making any decision.

The benefit to buying equities is also its drawback. The value of a company over time can rise or fall, but if a person has consistent dividends and the outlook for the company is stable or profitable, then one only has to focus on the cash flow. Imagine the additional expenses one could subsidize by simply looking at high dividend-yielding stocks. On an investment of $10,000, you would earn $543 to $929 per year or $45.25 to $77.41 per month from the above stocks. If the investment is made in a regular investment account, that covers your phone or cable bill, maybe your child's bus pass, or a bank for a future small vacation.

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