
Me, a Manager?

The great thing about networking is that it provides individuals with ample opportunities to succeed and fulfill their dreams. Well, over the last few weeks, I have been in discussions with a friend to assist in running my own private equity fund. And today, I sent my business plan to him.

I won't get into the full details for privacy reasons, but I am truly excited. Maybe it's my ego, but I know I can match the best funds out there. My friend has given me the first big opportunity of my life to be a millionaire, or even a billionaire. For now, I will leave it at that and get ready to enjoy the weekend, if the rain ever stops.

I've decided to write this on my blog so that my readers get to know more about me. This is the first time I have announced this potential future of mine, and this is the only place I will announce it.

Wish me luck people and I hope that I do become the next big thing in the financial markets.


Anonymous said...

I would totally be interested in investing with you. Will you have a minimum investment?

Minh Luu said...

Hi there;

I do appreciate your confidence in my skills. It is a great compliment to know a stranger is willing to give me their hard-earned money in my hands. Thank you.

In terms of the minimum investment, I am not yet certain as to what it will be. At first, I may have to turn away people under $500,000 only because I would need to create a large capital base before I can take on middle-class families. I am a middle-class citizen myself, so turning away people like me hurts me a bit, but I hope you understand that it is a part of the business.

However, if I am successful with this plan going forward, once I achieve a strong capital foundation, then I would be able to take on any income bracket. But we'll have to see from there.


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