
Third Quarter Earnings Options Logbook 2012

Third-quarter earnings unofficially kicked off with the usual Alcoa (AA) reporting on Tuesday October 9, 2012. Over the next several weeks, companies will release earnings that will provide us a glimpse of the strength or weakness of global economic strength. Other issues include JPMorgan's "London Whale," if Apple can maintain market share with Samsung biting at its heels, and if the PC is dead, a recurring theme in the second quarter.

Total earnings for the season: $1,035.03.

JPMorgan & Chase (JPM)
Trade Date: October 11, 2012 Reporting Date: October 12, 2012 BMO
Closing Price Pre-Earnings: $42.10 Closing Price Post-Earnings: $41.62
Sold 5 42.50 calls at $0.40; expiring October 12, 2012
JPM finishes week at $41.62
Margin required: $5,966
Net profit of $183.75 or 3.08%

Intel (INTC)
Trade Date: October 16, 2012 Reporting Date: October 16, 2012 AMC
Closing Price Pre-Earnings: $22.35 Closing Price Post-Earnings: $21.79
Sold 10 22.50 calls at $0.33, sold 10 21.50 puts at $0.19; expiring October 20, 2012
INTC finishes week at $21.26
Margin required: $5,970
Net profit of $330.02 or 5.53%
Note: Options closed early to free up margin

eBay (EBAY)
Trade Date: October 17, 2012 Reporting Date: October 17, 2012 AMC
Closing Price Pre-Earnings: $48.20 Closing Price Post-Earnings: $50.83
Sold 5 50.00 calls at $0.56, sold 5 46.00 puts at $0.59; expiring October 20, 2012
EBAY finishes week at $49.97
Margin required: $5,900
Net profit of $521.26 or 8.83%
Note: Call option closed at $0.01 on Friday near market close

Netflix (NFLX)
Trade Date: October 23, 2012 Reporting Date: October 23, 2012 AMC
Closing Price Pre-Earnings: $68.22 Closing Price Post-Earnings:
Sold 4 80.00 calls at $1.05 and bought 4 85.00 calls at $0.44, sold 4 55.00 puts at $0.70 and bought 4 50.00 puts at $0.26; expiring October 26, 2012
NFLX finishes week at $49.97
Margin required: $1,640
Expected net profit of $360.00 or 21.95%

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