
Barack No-Bama?

Barack Obama's presidential campaign carried a tune of hope, change, and an attitude of "Yes We Can." The American people were riding an emotional high deeply-rooted in the idea that a Black man will become the next Commander-in-Chief. His harangues mentioned changes in financial regulation, abolishing Guatanemo Bay, and creation of a new Health Care System, along with a number of other campaign promises, but to this day, America has little changed since the Bush reign.

His approval is a meager 44 per cent and his recent actions, or lack of, against BP has not done much to bolster his popularity. An emerging perception towards the President is that he is a talker, not a doer. His lack of leadership and emotional concern for the American people in the Gulf is being criticized and dissected to death. Maybe he's racist to Black people too?

A man of great speeches but little action is like a finely gift-wrapped pair of tube socks. It's a novelty act that the American people are getting tired of. The progress of the health care bill and the economy have stalled and the average citizen is still struggling to pay their mortgage and make ends meet. Didn't Obama plan to induce job creation by increasing infrastructure spending? To this day, unemployment lingers near 10 per cent, with many recent jobs created through the census. And what ever happened to that bill to allow foreigners to open up shop in the USA and give them tax credits? Maybe the media's coverage has dropped because of the BP spill.

More American soldiers are now overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan with an end no where to be seen, the deficit continues to grow, financial markets continue to run wild, and foreign oil dependency basically unchanges. America is now in a stagnant state, with the status quo becoming the ultimate reality. It's no surprise that illegal immigration has not been a big problem, because nobody wants to enter the United States.

The Daily Show even pointed out some big promises that have been broken or hidden to keep the truth from being revealed. Gitmo prisoners were never given that fair trial and no action has been taken on "don't ask, don't tell." The show took a dozen clips of Obama's reaction to the subject, each with a political answer, "the situation is long and complex one."

But to be fair, perception is reality, so what are the real facts behind Obama? I stumbled upon "" and their truth-o-meter. The site compiled over 500 promises made during his campaign and tracks the progress. The website believes that 116 promises have been kept, 19 were broken, and the rest are either in the works, stalled, or not yet rated.

An impressive record, if you count only the quantity and not the quality. Here is a list of the 19 broken promises courtesy of
  • No. 24: End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000
  • No. 30: End no-bid contracts above $25,000
  • No. 71: Allow imported prescription drugs
  • No. 86: Direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive study of federal cancer initiatives
  • No. 221: Double the Peace Corps
  • No. 234: Allow five days of public comment before signing bills
  • No. 240: Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials
  • No. 249: Double funding for afterschool programs
  • No. 292: Urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws
  • No. 313: Allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms of a home mortgage
  • No. 339: Support human mission to moon by 2020
  • No. 379: Pay for the national service plan without increasing the deficit
  • No. 428: Give annual "State of the World" address
  • No. 431: Reduce earmarks to 1994 levels
  • No. 508: Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009
  • No. 511: Recognize the Armenian genocide
  • No. 515: No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."
  • No. 517: Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN
  • No. 518: Create a public option health plan for a new National Health Insurance Exchange.

  • When it comes to politics, there are only a few things most of us relate to: Lower taxes, better education, access to health care, and economic stimulus. Other factors like national debt and security are also shared, but are not always a top priority.

    Some of these broken promises seem quite important to the average citizen, especially the two broken tax promises and educational funding. Living in Canada, in the shadows of our big brother, the USA, I do not get to see the real impact and changes, if any, that have occurred for the average citizen. So my opinions on the matter are persuaded by media reports and editorials. So far, I have not been impressed by the first Black US President, but what are your thoughts? Am I wrong on the subject?


    Hikari Studio said...

    I think he's done a lot more positive headway and is trying to steer the country in the correct direction compared to the previous president.

    Given the effort put forth by the "party of no" to undo, dismiss, block and disparage every facet of the presidents agenda he's certainly done quite well.

    I'm certainly not a believer that Obama can do no wrong and there are policies and aspects I do not agree with, however, I think he's doing his job well.

    Plus, if you look at the alternative then his points skyrocket.

    Anonymous said...

    what did you expect from an US president? corporate world rules the pentagon, not an individual. I knew from the start he was full of talk you can tell from how he was acting and seeing stuff.

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