The Karate Kid (2010)
Prior to the release of the movie, I thought this was going to be another remake of a classic film butchered by today's lack of creativity. Jackie Chan's recent string of bad movies did little to justify the movie's hype as a "good" movie. Opening weekend is the litmus test for doubters, but critics and fans came out of the movie with positive reviews, and I would like to say I was one of them.
"The Karate Kid" is a must-watch family movie that teaches children about respect, discipline, and perseverance. It was a fun-filled movie with good fight scenes viewable for all ages. The movie pulled on my emotions at every moment from scenes of pure joy to utter heartbreak.
Jayden Smith, the son of famous actor Will Smith, stars as the lead role and does a very good job for a boy his age. He and his mother move to China after his mother is transferred jobs. He starts off learning to adapt the cultures and ways of China and the neighbourhood bullies. I don't want to ruin the movie, but it ends up with a final show down in a kung-fu tournament.
I really liked this movie and think it is appropriate for all ages. I give "The Karate Kid" a 4.5/5.
Toy Story 3
If you haven't already heard, this movie rocks. Personally, I thought this movie was better than the first and the second combined, but I didn't enjoy the second one all that much. The characters from the Roundup Gang are back along with the memorable Slinky Dog, Rex (T-Rex), Hamm (the pig), and Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.
My friends and I all left the movie with feelings of happiness and even tears at the end. Yes, men are allowed to cry at the movies now. The movie touches on the idea of sentimental value, fear of the unknown, and trying to re-live the past. I do not know how anybody could give this movie a bad review, but there are people out there who did.
Another fun movie for the entire family, but a little pricey because it is in 3D. If your city offers it and you are on a budget, consider watching it in regular 2D. The movie offers very little to support the 3D technology, like many other movies.
I also enjoyed the animated cartoon that typically comes along with Pixar movies and was very creative. I'm calling it now, but this movie is the best movie of 2010. I give "Toy Story 3" a 5/5!
Grown Ups
The final movie, which I just saw Sunday evening, was "Grown Ups." For a man in his mid-20's, the cast instantly appealed to me. Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, David Spade, and Kevin James are hysterical in anything they do. Many people noted that this movie was like a giant SNL re-union with many former SNL cast members making cameos, including Colin Quinn, Maya Rudolph, Tim Meadows, and even Norm MacDonald.
If you have taken the time to read the reviews, you will see a mixed audience. About half loved it and the other half hated it. I will tell you now that this movie is not a critic's movie. It contains a plot that is easy to follow but lacks depth. It is full of humour that may be labelled as crude. Personally, I thought this movie was hilarious. I went with three friends who were aware of the mixed reviews and all three of us came out very happy.
Our enjoyment of the movie might have to do with the fact that we were all males in our 20's and we weren't expecting to have to think a lot. After watching "Grown Ups," I must confess I now want to take a vacation to the lake in the mountains. I've never actually done something like that in my life, and I would love to do it before "I regret it" (inside joke if you see this movie).
As a movie, this is probably not for the whole family, since many parents are sensitive to jokes about sex, racial profiling, and obesity, but the lady beside me who was with her husband and 8-year old daughter was laughing her head off, especially at the old-time references.
I'm not sure who gave this movie bad reviews and there reasons, but for an Adam Sandler movie, I liked it. I think "Grown Ups" deserves more than this, but I give it a 3.5/5.
If you have any additional comments to add or opinions, do not hesitate to make a post. I read and reply to all comments below.
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